Legal Notice

Update Date: April 19, 2022

Note: please read the following Terms of Use carefully before you browse the Magewell website. Once you continue to browse or use the Magewell website, you are deemed to agree and accept these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please stop browsing or using the Magewell website.

Terms of Use website(hereafter called "this website") is for your personal and non-commercial use only.You shall respect all the copyrights posted on this website and other ownership notice and use them in a legal way. If the content of this website does not have the ownership notice, it does not mean this website has no ownership of the content nor it claims no ownership. You shall respect the legal ownership of such content under the principle of honesty and sincerity. You are not permitted to edit, copy, show publicly, distribute these materials or use them for any public or commercial purposes. It is prohibited that, in any forms, these materials are shown on other websites, press media or cyber computer environment for any purposes. The content and its editions on this website are protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use of any content on this website may give a risk to a claim for copyright issues or other legal issues. All the trademarks, service marks or logos (hereafter called "trademarks"), either registered or non-registered, on this website or other related links are claimed as the property of Magewell's or others. Your use or access to any content on this website is not deemed as you are authorized to use any of the trademarks. Without a prior written permission, you are prohibited by Magewell to use any Magewell trademarks as the "hot" link of any Magewell related websites.


The content on this website is provided in its original form, and does not have any guarantees, including guarantee for sales, for specific purposes, for non-virus, or for not infringing intellectual property. Meanwhile, Magewell does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy, reliability and completeness of information posted on this website. The content on this website, or product description (including software), service, prices and specification on this website may change at any time without notice. Some information on this website may expire and Magewell makes no commitment to update this website or materials. The posted information may be unavailable in your location, including products, application or service. You can contact the Magewell sales or local dealers for information. If by applicable laws, it clearly prohibits or restricts the exclusion of implied warranties, such exclusion terms may not be applied to you.

About User Submission

Except for personal identity information, all the other information you submit or send to this website, including material, information and contact information (hereafter called "information") are not considered as confidential or exclusive. Magewell makes no commitment to such information. Meanwhile, if you make no special claim, it is deemed as you have agree (or authorize): Magewell as well as its authorized representatives to copy, disclose, distribute, integrate, or use such information, including but not limited to data, picture, voice, document and other content for both commercial and non-commercial purposes freely. If you are entitled to use the content on this website, you shall obey laws and public morals, and you are prohibited to send to or send from this website any illegal materials, including but not limited to threatens, abuse, libel, obscene and any information that may cause damage to countries and/or public security. If related persons give warnings or claim disagreement based on concrete evidence, this website can delete such information at any time or stop users' browsing in unlimited time without the prior agreement from the senders and Magewell makes no commitment to notice the senders. If it is in serious condition, this website can log off users. The personal identity information you send to Magewell for the purpose of receiving products or service is governed by Magewell privacy policy.

Communication between Users

Magewel l is not liable for the monitor or audit of information sent from this website by users or communication between users in any areas, including but not limited to communication room, notice board, forums and other communication. Magewell is not liable for such communication, no matter whether they may lead to abuse, privacy, or obscene or other issues. Magewell reserves the right to delete such information when it is found.

Use of Software Downloaded from This Website

If you want to download software from this website, when you use the downloaded software, you shall obey all the terms in the user license agreement of the software. You shall read and accept every term in the user license agreement before downloading and installing the software. If by the applicable laws, the software is prohibited to be copied or re-distributed, you shall obey the law.

Links to a Third Party's Website

Links to a third party's website are provided as a convenience service to you. If you want to use these links, you will leave this website. Magewell has not audited to any third party's links, and these links are not under the control of Magewell, and Magewell is not responsible for these links and their contents. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to this Site, you do this entirely at your own risk.

Limited Warranties

Magewell, and its suppilers, as well as the third party are not liable for any damage (including but not limited to any profit loss, data loss, indirect loss or loss due to business interruption), no matter whether these damages are caused by using this website, not able to use this website, or by linked sites and its contents, and no matter whether they have guarantee, contract, infringement, or other legal basis, or warning for such lost. If you have to maintain, repair or correct your device or data due to your use of this website, you are liable for all the cost.

Magewell is not liable for the following conditions:

The information by system or internet transmission hasn't been changed. If by applicable laws, it prohibits the exclusion and limitation of implied loss, these terms may not be applied to you.


Magewell may revise these Terms of Use at any time. You shall visit this page from time to time to review the then-current Terms of Use because they are binding on you. Certain provisions of these Terms of Use may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular Web Sites or Materials. You shall know the content, and once you accept this term, it means you have carefully reviewed and agreed these quoted or replaced provisions.

Any dispute arisen from this notice or this website is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

Both sides agree that if both sides cannot reach agreement on some dispute, the court having jurisdiction in Jiangning District, Nanjing shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with this Terms of Use or use of this website.